Monday, March 24, 2014

Saying Good Night

From time to time, I want to say good night to the forum, social media or at a blog. It's not superficial. I means of with all sincerity and passion (yes, even passion). There is a him an connection between my account and yours. I don't really mean for you to have a good night or a bad night... It's a greeting that says, I am going to sign out and get rest for the following day. It's a simple routine to end the cyber day...

From time to time... No, every night I want to say good night - Good Night!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

J.c's first eCommerce website

So excited to present to the peeps of www and home decorating effacinatos the new website (under construction) has been debated, discussed, and finally purchased and now in production.

The classic tastes of @prettydecor and the modern tastes of @lovingdecor will fill the e-store with what I certainly think will be a fine balance of touch on this and touched of that.

J.c still planning to launch the website this Summer.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


During my college dormitory years, Monday was the day to drop off the bed sheets and exchange them for new ones. There was one guy is charge of the duty to announce that the sheet room is open. He would go up in front of the dining hall and would make the announcement – the ‘shit’ room will be open tonight after dinner. Everyone would break out into a big laughter. This went on for a year and it didn’t get old, I guess. We all knew that the sheet room opens on Monday night after dinner. However, people wanted to hear the announcement being made; we even chanted his name to go and make the announcement. Why am I sharing this? I designed out business cards for immediate use today… A simple typo made lots of difference on who, title, and oh so important email and social media handlers. Or, I am in line waiting to order a Pizza and got thinking about Tuan – that was his name, Tuan the Shit-room-man.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Social Media (? Or!)

Here late at night after another 16 hours day of work, I am catching up on my tweet feed and seeing what pretty things are pinned on Pinterest and I stumble upon an article that shoes me 100 website that are excellent for websites and social media. There is still a mad rush to grab a share in the social media market and I feel I am just starting to get on it. I just signed up for tumbler, stumbled upon, blogger, and I know I am missing something... It will come to me... Wait, it's called path. Off I go to bed to a dream world and leave

Www people

Good Morning, www people!

The fear of unknown and the excitement of what's behind the unknown are both true.
It's another morning here in Southern California. Jc Corp is getting closed to the launch date and the TEAM is working diligently on @twitter, @pinterest, @tumbler @linkedin @facebook and here on @rss or @blog. Thanks to @lovingdecor @prettydecor @jccorpdecor and myself @jccorpinc.